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Meeting Minutes January 13, 2020

Lomond View Elementary School Community Council

Location: Lomond View MakerSpace room #9

Time: 3:30

Minutes for meeting on: January 13, 2020


Present: Justin Skeen, Lisa Johnson, Dawneen Baker, Emily Mangum, Brittany McConkie, Jaclyn Wintle

Absent: Jen Fife, Emily Hall, Amanda McKay  and Brit Peterson


Welcome:  Jaclyn welcomed the group and excused Jen Fife and Emily Hall who were absent due to sick children. The time was turned over to Mr. Skeen and Ms. Mangum (who shared reading data).

Update on current school TrustLand and TSSA plans:  

Everything is on pace.  Some technology money hasn’t been spent but will be. The reading and math tutors are seeing great improvement with students. These tutors are very valuable.


Project Lead the Way update:

- 1st grade worked on the module in December

- 2nd grade is starting the module

- each module takes approximately 10 hours, maybe more to complete

- the modules align with the new science core 

- modules will be purchased for each grade next year

- this comes from the TSSA money

- Mr. Skeen will send out more information to parents about Project Lead the Way



Update: This training has been postponed because there was a mix up on scheduling with the company who does it. It will still take place, just not until the last week in January. Mr. Skeen sent an email out to parents explaining this.  He also sent links for parents to research more if they desired to do so.


NEW school TrustLand and TSSA plans:  

  • Last year’s budget was approximately $60,000 from the state with about $5000 carried over from unused budget the previous year.  The money given to each school by the state has been increasing each year the past few years. We won’t know for certain if this will be the case this year until the legislative session is completed. This gives us an idea of what we have to work with.
  • The reading and math tutors are highly valued and we hope to continue using TrustLands money for this.
  • We need to revisit each of our 3 goals and see if we want to stay with these.
  • Mr. Skeen will talk with teachers at an upcoming faculty meeting about needs and wants for the school.
  • Projectors and Smart Boards are a concern. They are both going out.  The dilemma is to decide if we keep replacing these items or move to the new Smart TVs (with touchscreens).  Several schools in the district are beginning to move over to these. They are much more expensive but should last longer. 
  • Mr. Skeen, the faculty and the council would really like to see the Leader in Me program implemented in our school.  The leadership team has already received a copy of the book, has read it and discussed when to start implementing it.  (The rest of the faculty will be getting the book this coming year to read up on.) WIth Chromebooks and Project Lead the Way being implemented this year and the next, Mr. Skeen thought it best to hold off on Leader in Me for another year or two. Research is being done on the costs of implementing it (training being the most expensive) and some of the staff will be going to Leader in Me open houses this Spring at local elementary schools that do this program.  Approximate costs are $13,000-$15,000. The Weber Foundation may provide help with these start up costs. Mr. Skeen suggested that we could possibly start holding money aside for this with our budgets. 

Data Sharing - DIBELS Data (Middle of Year):


Composite Score 2019/2020 -On or Above Grade Level         

K: BOY- 72% MOY- 72%

1: BOY- 78%   MOY- 69%  

2: BOY-84%   MOY- 88%  

3: BOY- 92%   MOY- 88%



First Sound Fluency:

BOY: 78%-Typical or higher

MOY: 82%-Typical or higher

Phoneme Segmentation Fluency

MOY: 84%-Typical or higher (not tested at the beginning of year)

Correct Letter Sounds:

MOY: 80%-Typical or higher (not tested at the beginning of year)

First Grade:

Correct Letter Sounds:

BOY: 76%-Typical or higher

MOY: 79%-Typical or higher

Whole Words Read:

BOY: 78%-Typical or higher

MOY: 77%-Typical or higher

Oral Reading Fluency:

MOY: 65%-Typical or higher (not tested at the beginning of year)


MOY: 56%-Typical or higher  (not tested at the beginning of year)

Second Grade:

Oral Reading Fluency:

BOY: 72%-Typical or higher

MOY: 72%-Typical or higher


BOY: 72%-Typical or higher

MOY: 74%-Typical or higher


BOY: 74%-Typical or higher

MOY: 74%-Typical or higher

Third Grade:

Oral Reading Fluency

BOY: 93%-Typical or higher

MOY: 90%-Typical or higher


BOY: 77%-Typical or higher

MOY: 85%-Typical or higher


BOY: 92%-Typical or higher

MOY: 85%-Typical or higher


BOY: 75%-Typical or higher

MOY: 75%-Typical or higher










































Please be sure not to miss our next meeting!  We are hoping to come up with our new plan and vote on it. If we can do it all in this next meeting, our second February meeting will be canceled. Please read through our current plan and be familiar with it. The plan is posted on the school’s website or you may click on this link:

After reading through the plan, think about which goals should be kept and if there are other needs at the school. Mr. Skeen will come with a rough draft (based on our discussions thus far this year) of a plan that we will discuss.

Future Meeting Dates: Monday was decided as the best day to meet and the following dates were selected for meeting.  We will meet in our MakerSpace room #9 at 3:30 for our meetings. 

February 3

February 27 (may not be necessary if we get everything accomplished in the previous meeting)

April 20