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Meeting Agenda March 6, 2018

March 6, 2018 Meeting Agenda


AGENDA FOR March 6, 2018

  1. Welcome, Approve meeting minutes from Jan. 23, 2018.
  2. Discuss plan for 2018-2019 school year.
    1. Teachers need training for new science and math goals
    2. Teachers need training on the reading program from summer 2017.
    3. Software and IPADS versus Chrome.
  3. Questions and concerns
  4. Next meetings are: March 20, 2018 .  Still need to discuss crosswalks and drop off         Are there changes needed for new school year?  Do the kids need new Emergency Bags [food, water, blanket etc.]

Set a meeting date;                April  ??, 2018.  Spring Break is the first week.  Great Shake Out scheduled.

Set a meeting day;                 May ?? 2018.  Technology meeting scheduled for council