Teacher and Student Success Act (TSSA)
School Information
Name of Administrator: Nanette Watson
Name of School: Lomond View Elementary
Goal #1
By the end of the 2024-25 school year, 80% of K-6 students will demonstrate typical plus
growth as measured by the Acadience Reading Pathways of Progress or if the student(s)
achieved an above proficiency score at the beginning of the year, they will maintain above
benchmark proficiency to the end of year.
Goal #1 Action Steps
Reading Paraprofessional will be hired to provide small group support in classrooms.
Cover part of the salary and benefits for an additional teacher. This teacher will assist in reducing class sizes, ensuring that students receive more individualized attention and support.
Our school will maintain the BTS arts program in which an Art Specialist Teacher will coordinate with teachers to expand lessons from the classroom with art.
Goal #1 Expenditure Category
Additional school employees
Class size reduction strategies
Goal #1 Measures of Success
The Acadience Reading Assessment will be administered to students at the beginning, middle,
and end of year. The BOY data will be reviewed. Teachers will create Pathways of Progress
goals for all students.
Students not on benchmark will then be given a diagnostic assessment to determine targeted
needs. Students will then be grouped accordingly and receive tier II intervention from reading
Students (not on benchmark) will be progress monitored by the classroom teacher and/or
reading paraprofessionals at least twice monthly. This data will be reviewed at least twice
monthly during collaborative team meetings. Adjustments to reading groups will be made
according to the data.
We will know we are successful when 80% or more of the students are achieving a typical or
above growth according to the Pathways of Progress.
Goal #2
Goal #2
By the end of the 2024-25 school year, 72% of Lomond View 3-6 grade students will report Sense of Belonging as a strength on the Spring Panorama Survey.
Goal #2 Action Steps
Purchase Panorama Education to help educators receive data to improve student outcomes.
A Mental Health Therapist will be funded to support student wellness and sense of belonging.
The Leader in Me program will be taught in classrooms to continue to teach students life-long skills of positive habits and leadership. ($3000 annual membership fee and $3200 student workbooks and teacher manuals)
Stipends will be paid to teachers who attend a Leader in Me training and/or who support implementation of the Leader in Me program.
Goal #2 Expenditure Areas
School personnel stipends
Additional school employees
Student wellness support
Student leadership development
Goal #2 Measure of Success
The Culture Team at the school will collect and analyze Panorama Survey data twice per year
to determine success towards students reporting a sense of belonging.
Additionally, we will take anecdotal data from conversations with students and teachers
This measurement will be tied to the action steps put forth in the WSD Strategic Plan:
Employ the following district-wide relational practices:
Greet students at the doors daily making eye contact and saying their names.
Be highly visible in hallways and common areas.
Interact with students throughout the day.
Stakeholder Involvement
Who was involved in developing this plan?
Nanette Watson