Funding Summary

Funding Summary 2021-2022

Lomond View Elementary 2021-22 TrustLand Report

Financial Proposal and Report

This report is automatically generated from the School Plan entered in the spring of 2020 and from the District Business Administrator's data entry of the School LAND Trust expenditures in 2021-2022.


Planned Expenditures

(entered by the school)

Actual Expenditures

(entered by the school)

Actual Expenditures

(entered by the District

Business Administrator)

Carry-Over from 2019-2020




Distribution for 2020-2021




Total Available for Expenditure in 2020-2021




Salaries and Employee Benefits




Contracted Services




Technology Related Supplies




Hardware, etc.








General Supplies 




Total Expenditures




Remaining Funds (Carry-Over to 2021-2022)




Goal #1


Our goal is a 40% increase from the beginning of the year to the end of the year on Student Growth Assessments (SGAs) in math.

Academic Areas

  • Mathematics


This is the measurement identified in the plan to determine if the goal was reached.

Students in 1st-6th grade will be given a grade level common assessment the beginning, middle and end of the year to measure math progress on essential content throughout the year.

Please show the before and after measurements and how academic performance was improved.

Lomond View had a 5% increase in students proficient from the Beginning of the Year to the End of the Year.  See the information below regarding K-3 DIBELS data of percentage of students on benchmark.


 Beginning of Year

 End of Year
















Action Plan Steps

These are the Action Plan Steps identified in the plan to reach the goal.

-Students in grades K-3 who do not reach benchmark levels as determined by the DIBELs assessment will receive additional help in small group settings. Aide time will be purchased to work with students who need additional help in reading and/or to work with providing extensions so teachers can spend extra time with struggling readers.  Early Reading Interventions, Words Their Way, Read Naturally, and other programs will be used to assist learning based upon individual needs. This is estimated to cost $11,000.

-An Aide will be hired to teach the class so teachers can meet for weekly PLC grade level team time.   This time will allow teachers the ability to discuss student reading progress, discuss individual student needs, organize grade level RTI groups and analyze and share effective instructional strategies.  This is an estimated cost of $4,000.

-An AmeriCorps reading aide will be hired to oversee our reading tutors.  Estimated cost of $4,000.

-Pay for teachers to attend the Professional Learning Communities at Work conference.  (Estimated cost for 4 teachers at $669 for a total of $2,676.

-Pay for substitutes for teachers who attend the PLC Conference. (Estimated cost of $1,000)

-Replace four classroom projectors that are outdated.  They are used to provide reading instruction to students.  They cost $859 each for a total of $3,436.

Please explain how the action plan was implemented to reach this goal.

-$8,814 was spent on aide time to provide additional support in reading with students who tested below benchmark.

-$2,624 was spent on aide time to teach each grade weekly so teachers could meet in PLC meetings to discuss student growth and best instructional practices.  

-$3,541 was spent on an Americorps aide to coordinate and oversee our STAR reading tutors to assist students with reading fluency and comprehension.

-$3,345 was spent on registration for 5 teachers to attend the PLC conference.

-$840 was paid for substitutes to teach the class while teachers attended the PLC conference.

-$3,436 was spent on projectors for the classroom.




Estimated Cost

Actual Cost

Actual Use






Salaries and Employee Benefits (100 and 200)

-Aides providing reading intervention ($11,000). -An aide teaching the class each week to free up teachers to meet in PLC meetings. ($4,000). -Pay for substitutes for teachers to attend the PLC Conference. ($1,000) -Pay for an AmeriCorps Reading Aide ($4,000).



$8,814 was spent on aide time to provide reading intervention. $2,624 was spent on aides during PLC rotations. $840 spent on substitutes for the PLC Conference. $3,541 spent on AmeriCorps Reading Aide.

Professional and Technical Services (300)

Send 4 teachers to the PLC Conference



We sent 5 teachers to the PLC conference for a total cost of $3,345

Equipment (Computer Hardware, Instruments, Furniture) (730)

Purchase 4 new projectors to replace outdated projectors.



Purchased 4 projectors for $3,436.

Goal #2


Average 30% growth in mathematics for students in grades 3-6 on grade level math common assessments.

Academic Areas

  • Mathematics


This is the measurement identified in the plan to determine if the goal was reached.

Students will be given a grade level SLO math assessments the beginning, middle and end of the year to measure student math growth throughout the year.  Small group intervention will be provided for students who are struggling.

Please show the before and after measurements and how academic performance was improved.

Students who needed additional support received it with a math aide.

The same grade assessment was given 3 times to show student math growth on grade level concepts.  Below are the average scores at the Beginning, middle and end of the year in each grade level:

































50% average school increase on math SLO from beginning of year to end of the year.

Action Plan Steps

These are the Action Plan Steps identified in the plan to reach the goal.

-Aide(s) will be hired to work on building fluency and understanding of concepts with those students who are identified as not having sufficient understanding.  She will be able to work with a small group of students on a weekly basis to improve understanding, utilizing manipulatives, and simple arithmetic fluency speed. ($8,000)

-Aides will be hired to teach the class so teachers can meet together weekly in PLC meetings to discuss student data and growth in math.  During this time teachers will discuss effective Tier I math teaching strategies as well as how to provide small group math interventions.  ($5,000)

-Pay for substitutes to take the class so teachers can participate in professional development to improve math instruction. ($1,000)

-Computer math software that can be accessed at home and school will be purchased to support student in math practice and understanding. ($4,000)

-Pay for 5 teachers to attend the Professional Learning Communities at Work conference. ($3,345)

-Pay admission for the 5th grade students to attend JA City where they have real life application to math and other skills they are learning in school. ($550)

-Pay for substitutes so teachers can attend the PLC conference. ($1,000)

Please explain how the action plan was implemented to reach this goal.

-$8,327 was spent on  a math aide to work with students who need help in small groups.

-$2,624 was spent for a PLC aide so teachers could meet weekly in PLC collaborative meetings.

-$750 was spent on substitutes while teachers attended the PLC conference.

-$1,488 was spent on math software.

-$2,736 pay registration for the PLC conference.

-$535 was spent for students to attend JA City.




Estimated Cost

Actual Cost

Actual Use






Salaries and Employee Benefits (100 and 200)

-One aide hired to teach the class while teachers meet in weekly PLC meetings. ($5,000) -Aides hired to work with students who are struggling with math understanding or fluency as identified by classroom teachers. ($8,000) -Substitutes for teachers attending the PLC conference in the fall ($1,000) -Substitutes for peer coaching and teacher development. ($1,000)



-$2,624 was spent on aides to teach the class while teachers meet in weekly PLC meetings. -$8,327 was spent on math aide time to help students struggling with math understanding or fluency. -$750 spent on substitutes for teachers to attend the PLC Conference. -There wasn't money spent out of TrustLand's for peer coaching and teacher development.

Professional and Technical Services (300)

Send 5 teachers to the PLC Conference



$2,736 spend on registration for 3 teachers to attend the PLC conference.

Transportation/Admission/Per Diem/Site Licenses (510, 530 and 580)

Pay for admission for our 5th grade to attend JA City.



Pay for JA City ***Note this amount was entered on our district financial report under 500 and it is really coming out of 510.

Software (670)

-Purchase math computer software that allows students to practice grade level core concepts at home and school.



Math software purchased to practice grade level core concepts.

Goal #3


Students will increase their typing ability by 5 words per minute.

Academic Areas

  • Technology


This is the measurement identified in the plan to determine if the goal was reached.

A typing speed test will be used to assess the amount of improvement in typing grades 2-6.   A baseline test will be given in September and then again in May to determine improvement.

 Please show the before and after measurements and how academic performance was improved. 

Typing speed and accuracy 2018-2019

 3rd GRADE (WPM/Accuracy)







Increased by 5 WPM and 1% accuracy

4th Grade (WPM/Accuracy)







5th GRADE   (WPM/Accuracy)

5th GRADE   (WPM/Accuracy)







Increased by 6.5 WPM and 2% accuracy

6th GRADE     (WPM/Accuracy)








Increased by 6.9 WPM and 1% accuracy

*Typing was introduced and used in 2nd grade, but data was not collected.

Action Plan Steps

These are the Action Plan Steps identified in the plan to reach the goal.

  1. Students in every grade will receive age appropriate instruction designed to help them understand technology, its uses in learning, and distribution of information. To make this happen, a technology aide will be utilized to plan and teach lessons under the direction of the classroom teacher that will expose students to the educational usage of Power Point, spreadsheets, Internet navigation, and word processing as well as other educational programs that emphasize what students are learning in their CORE classes. Typing will be taught in grades 2 through 6, which will assist students in taking the SAGE test, especially the writing component where students are expected to type multiple paragraphs. This goal will also help with our professional development allowing teachers to work in learning communities and lesson studies while their kids are working on technology lessons with a trained para-professional. ($8,000)

  2. Teachers will receive training on Tech Wednesdays from a 6th grade teacher at our school, who knows how to use the technology from a teacher's perspective.  He will help teachers to effectively implement technology in the classroom, the latest software, educational options, and provide follow-up support. This teacher will be encouraged to attend the UCET conference and continue to keep up on current technology advances to then keep the rest of the faculty current on best practices with technology. ($1,500) 

  3. An additional Chromebook lab and cart will be leased to provide more opportunities for students to use technology. ($3,760)

  4. Pay for the 2nd year of our Chromebook Lab leased last year.  ($2,410)

  5. Purchase a typing software program for students to improve their typing ability. ($1,200)

Please explain how the action plan was implemented to reach this goal.

-$6,293 was spent on a Computer Technology Aide that met weekly with students while teachers met in PLC meetings.  She worked with students on the areas described above.

-$750 was spent on a stipend for a teacher who taught technology classes to other teachers on how to effectively use the technology in their instruction.

-$4,166 was spent to pay for two Chromebook cart leases.

-$2,215 was spent to purchase another Chromebook cart lease.

-$1,454 was spent on a computer typing software used to help students improve their keyboarding skills. **Note this shows up in our financial report under 610 general supplies.




Estimated Cost

Actual Cost

Actual Use






Salaries and Employee Benefits (100 and 200)

-Pay a computer technology aide. ($1,500) -Pay a teacher to provide tech training to the staff on Wednesday morning and be a resource for teachers who need additional technology support. ($8,000)



-$750: Paid a teacher a stipend to work with teachers to improve their instruction using technology. -Paid $6,293 for a computer technology aide who worked with students to improve their typing skills.

Software (670)

-Purchase a typing software program for students to properly learn keyboarding.



A typing software program was purchased to help students properly learn to type. The $1,454 was entered under category 610 (general supplies) in the district financial report.

Equipment (Computer Hardware, Instruments, Furniture) (730)

-Lease a new Chromebook lab and cart -Pay the 2nd year on the Chromebook lab we leased last year.



-$4,166 was spent on two Chromebook cart leases. -$2,215 was spent on a new Chromebook cart lease.

Funding Changes (and Unplanned Expenditures)

The school plan describes how additional funds exceeding the estimated distribution would be spent. This is the description.

-Purchase additional projectors -Purchase math/science supplies and resources -Additional aide time -Additional Substitutes for teacher professional development

Description of how any additional funds exceeding the estimated distribution were actually spent.

Our plan amendment funds were spent as described below.

Unplanned Expenditures



Estimated Cost

Actual Cost

Actual Use






Technology Equipment > $5,000 (734)




Here are the expenditures for the amendments listed: -$4,499 was spent to purchase headphones for students to use with their Chromebooks. -$4,756 was spent to purchase additional Chromebook carts. -$830 was spent to install a TV for teachers to use to project student data to analyze as well as to collaborate about grade level essential learning. -$2,410 was spent on a new Chromebook cart for students to use. -$204 additional math software was purchased to use with the Chromebooks. -$760 used to purchased document cameras for classroom instruction


The following items are the proposed methods of how the Plan would be publicized to the community:

  • Sticker and stamps that identify purchases made with School LAND Trust funds.

  • School newsletter

  • School website

  • School marquee

The school plan was actually publicized to the community in the following way(s):

  • Sticker and stamps that identify purchases made with School LAND Trust funds.

  • School newsletter

  • School website

Summary Posting Date

A summary of this Final Report was provided to parents and posted on the school website on 2019-10-18

Council Plan Approvals

Number Approved

Number Not Approved

Number Absent

Vote Date





Plan Amendments

Approved Amendment #1

Submitted By Justin Skeen Submit Date 2019-05-27 Admin Reviewer Paula Plant Admin Review Date 2019-06-06 District Reviewer Karla Porter District Approval Date 2019-06-13 Board Approval Date 2019-06-13

Number Approved 8 Number Not Approved 0 Absent 0 Vote Date 2019-04-24 Explanation for Amendment Due to money available in another funding source and a position that wasn't rehired there was $15,000 less spent in salaries (goal #1,2) than projected as well as $2,800 less in software (goal #2). With these funds additional projectors have been purchased as outlined in the plan. (See Goal #1 reading goal and the Funding Changes section) Also, the Lomond View School Community Council unanimously voted to amend our budget to include the purchase of: -A television for the conference room to discuss student data for weekly PLC meetings ($1,500) this addresses both goal #1 and #2 so teachers can discuss reading and math data. -Replacement document cameras ($1,400) which addresses goal #1 and #2 because they are used for instruction in both math and reading. -Purchase headphones ($4,500) these will be used with the Chromebooks to meet goal #3 which is our technology goal. -Purchase Chromebook charging carts ($5,000). This meets goal #3 technology goal. Final Explanation for Amendment -$4,499 was spent to purchase headphones -$4,756 was spent on purchasing Chromebook carts. -$760 was spent on document cameras -$830 was spent on a TV used by teachers to analyze student data and review curriculum during weekly PLC meetings. -$204 was spent on purchasing additional math software. -$2,410 was spent on additional Chromebooks.