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Meeting Minutes May 2, 2019

May 2, 2019 Meeting Minutes

Lomond View Elementary  School Community Council

Minutes for meeting on May 2, 2019

Present: Justin Skeen, Lisa Johnson, Dawneen Baker, Brittany McConkie, Jaclyn Wintle

Welcome: Jaclyn welcomed the group and turned the time over to Justin to report and discuss the following information.

Teacher & Student Success Act:
In the 2019 Utah Legislature General Session SB149 was passed. For full details go to:
In summary, the bill will give our school roughly $50,000 per year (about $100 per student). Twenty five percent of the original lump sum money that is given to the district will go towards teacher retention (LEA distribution). The remaining money will go to each school to allocate as their school level team decides. This team will follow rules/guidelines framework voted on by the district (similar to the Trustlands), we should see these sometimes this summer. (See lines 704-730 in the bill for Plan Review and Approval info.) This plan stays at the district level and doesn’t go to the state. Some ideas that this money could be used for could be: professional learning, salaries (aides, specialists), technology, summer school programs, early childhood education, hiring a counselor full time, behavioral specialist, Leader in Me program, Ron Clarke Academy (soft skills), robotics and science clubs, project based learning (Project Lead the Way), etc.

Technology Parent Night:
The Technology Parent Night turned out great. It was informative and demonstrations were given on how Chromebooks could be used in a classroom setting. Around 11 parents attended. The WSD Ascend program has been in the works for years at the district level and a lot of research has been done to make sure this was something that would benefit our students. Mr. Skeen mentioned using the Chromebooks in 15-20 minute chunks of time - computers will not replace teaching. Mrs. Baker asked how to best store the Chromebooks in between usage.

2018-19 Trustland Plan budget update:
With leftover money from this year’s budget Mr. Skeen proposed that we:
Purchase headphones with microphones (used for Imagine Learning) for 1st and 2nd grade. These are $16 each and come with a 1 year warranty, it will total around $4500.
Purchase storage carts for Chromebooks for next year. These cost $1207 each. Mr. Skeen is also going to ask Weber High if they would donate some of their carts.
Send 9 teachers next Fall (2019) to the PLC Conference in SLC.
Purchase document cameras for younger grades (the old ones don’t work with the new Windows). These are $95 each.

Community Council members for next year:
We will be losing Lexie Stokes to the new school next year, so we will open up that position to a new parent. It will be advertised in the school newsletters and posted at the school.

Other Comments and Concerns:
None were brought up at this meeting.

Future suggested meeting dates:
A summer meeting will be scheduled soon via email. This meeting will be held within the first 6 weeks of the summer. We will be discussing how the Teacher & Student Success Act money should be spent for Lomond View.