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Meeting Minutes January 8, 2019

January 8, 2019 Community Council Meeting Minutes

Lomond View Elementary School Community Council

Minutes for meeting on: January 8, 2019

Present: Justin Skeen, Lisa Johnson, Dawneen Baker, Jen Fife, Lexi Stokes, Kelli Jones, Jaclyn Wintle

Welcome: Jaclyn welcomed the group and turned the time over to Justin to report the following information.

Discussion of reunification drill:
The reunification drill went very well. Mr. Skeen followed several families through the entire process while timing them to see how long it took to check their student(s) out. The longest time was 18 minutes, but most were shorter than this. The school staff tried to replicate exactly what would be done in an actual emergency. A few parents didn’t get a text to come pick up their student(s) - Mr. Skeen and the district are looking into this. Only around 20-25 students were left in the gym by the end of the day. Success was very high. If anyone on the committee hears of someone that had an issue with not being contacted we are to direct them to Mr. Skeen so they can figure out what went wrong. Parents need to make sure the emergency contact list is updated each year and that they check the appropriate boxes that will send notifications to their cell phones and emails - this can all be done through the portal.

Update on current 2018-19 TrustLand Plan:
Mr. Skeen would like to see us carry over around 10% of our current budget for next year due to the boundary changes and how the population loss may affect our school. We may need this money to help with our school becoming a 1 to 1 school (Chromebooks for every student) and other expenses already listed in the TrustLand plan. Mr. Skeen is still looking for a math aide for the upper grades. It was mentioned that he could possibly look at hiring someone who is a current student at WSU in the Education (and Math) program. He will look into this. Mr. Skeen is interviewing someone this week to replace a reading aide that had to leave.

Vote on budget amendment to current plan:
A proposal was made by Mr. Skeen to amend our current plan to include the spending of $1200 for a TV in the conference room that will be used for PLC meetings, among other things. Documents and data that pertain to things discussed during these PLC meeting can be viewed easier this way. All those present at the meeting were in agreement of this change.

NEW TrustLand Plan for 2019-2020:
Mr. Skeen will be asking teachers of needs within the school at the next faculty meeting, he will present the needs at our next meeting. As a committee, we reviewed the current goals and will come to the next meeting to decide if we should continue with these same goals or make a few changes. Mr. Skeen reminded us that as a school, they are focused on pushing for growth with each student, not just proficiency. Mr. Skeen will also get a report from Anneke, who is in charge of the computer lab, about the improvements students have made in their typing.

Fundraiser in the Spring:
Mr. Skeen talked about the need to run another fundraiser for technology needs at our school. The goal for the fundraiser is $5000. The school will be selling cookie dough and spirit cups. They are still working on getting the marquee fixed (the PTA did a fundraiser for this in the Fall).

Future suggested meeting dates:
(Note: all meetings will be at 3:30 pm)
February 19, 2019
March 12, 2019 -----> This date may change. Mr. Skeen has to check the deadline for the Trustlands Plan.
April 30, 2019